Disability Support Project
Financial Support | Benefits Advice | Disability Awareness | Mental Wellbeing
Disability Support & Awareness, Advice and Guidance for Benefits, Tribunals, Applications, Form Filling, Financial Planning and Mental Wellbeing.
Not For Profit charity Ref: 1177602
Form Filling & Benefit Applications
Forms can be difficult to fill in when you are completely healthy, so it can be tricky when mentally disabled. The Disability Support Project offers guidance and a complete form filling service in either case.
Some of the most common forms we complete for our clients are:
Universal Credit (UC50)
Attendance Allowance (AA)
However, we will happily look at any forms you have that have been troublesome for you.
Professional Guidance
Our professional team has been trained to understand an array of forms and Government and legal jargon to assist you in correctly completing your form or application.
Where possible, we will also give guidance on your suitability for the designated application.
We have found that often, especially in the benefits application process, many people apply for everything they think will help them. In some cases, this can leave you worse off as each benefit will affect the other. In other cases, the benefit is simply not suitable for you.
Talk to our team before making a benefits application to ensure it is suitable for your circumstances.
More Than Just Form Filling
Completing applications and forms can be hugely stressful. This can exacerbate any underlying symptoms you may have.
Often we find that our clients suffer from various disabilities and disorders that can be made worse by the stress and anxiety of an application process.
As well as form filling, we offer a hand holding service to walk the application process through with those in need, taking the stress and anxiety out of the application where possible. We can also assist with appeals and represent you in a tribunal where necessary.

Need help with your application? - see our Suggested Donations List for this service.