Disability Support Project
Financial Support | Benefits Advice | Disability Awareness | Mental Wellbeing
Disability Support & Awareness, Advice and Guidance for Benefits, Tribunals, Applications, Form Filling, Financial Planning and Mental Wellbeing.
Not For Profit charity Ref: 1177602
Fibromyalgia has a lot of similarities to ME/CFS however, it is different. It affects fatigue and tiredness levels but can have more negative symptoms and effects. The cause of Fibromyalgia is unknown and can come from many different causes such as (but not limited to), a severe injury or infection, giving birth, having some kind of operation, a severe breakdown of a relationship of some kind, or even the passing of a loved one.
What most people are unaware of is that this condition affects more than just fatigue and tiredness, it also has the effects of the following:
Heightened sensitivity to pain
Heightened fatigue levels
Stiffness of muscle groups
Difficulty with sleep
Difficulty with mental processes (can be known as "fibro-fog"), can affect the capacity of one's memory and concentration
Frequent headaches and occasional migraines
Can even result in Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Practical Help For Fibromyalgia
Naturally working with Fibromyalgia can be difficult depending on the severity of your condition. Some can continue a relatively normal life whereas others can be bedridden. Disability Support Project is aware that the symptoms can be exacerbated by stress and anxiety so can assist with benefits applications (form filling), appeals, and tribunals for the following:
More help with Fibromyalgia
Your GP should provide you with guidance and might refer you to an occupational therapist. You can also find more support and information on the links below: