Disability Support Project
Financial Support | Benefits Advice | Disability Awareness | Mental Wellbeing
Disability Support & Awareness, Advice and Guidance for Benefits, Tribunals, Applications, Form Filling, Financial Planning and Mental Wellbeing.
Not For Profit charity Ref: 1177602
Sometimes due to mental health, instability or addiction, people can struggle with their finances and find themselves without the necessary money for day to day living. The Disability Support Project offers Appointeeships amongst our services to manage your finances and ensure that bills are paid, benefits are received and daily needs such as food are met. As corporate appointees we have been appointed by the DWP to manage the welfare of our claimants and clients.
Appointeeships are a key area of focus for the Disability Support Project as we can see the benefit it can provide to so many who cannot manage their own finances. Our professional team will also ensure they have the necessary benefits for their condition and manage them each month. We have had a great deal of success with our clients and take great pride in handling each Appointeeship with dignity and respect while taking on the responsibility for their financial wellbeing.
Our Appointeeships are completely tailored for each individual client to meet their needs. If you would like to book a consultation click the contact us link at the bottom of the page or the book online option.
Who Should Consider an Appointeeship
Handing your finances over to someone else to control should be considered thoroughly before entering into an agreement.
Some people who can benefit from an appointeeship are those suffering with:
After a Stroke
Alcohol Dependence
Drug Addiction
Gambling Addiction
Any mental, physical disability or impairment can lead to financial issues or the continuation of an addiction/dependence.
Taking the Step
Although It can be challenging to hand over your own or a family member's finances to someone else, in some cases, this can ease the burden of finances, relieve stress and anxiety and put the finances in the hands of the experts.
In some cases, an appointeeship can be set in place while a candidate goes through stages of rehabilitation to aid their recovery. In others, this is a more long term commitment due to an illness that they are unlikely to recover from.
You can contact our team, discuss options in advance, and have a face-to-face consultation to ensure this is the right step for your / their circumstances.
The Disability Support Project will only consider an appointeeship if it benefits the client (account holder).

If you have a family member or work with someone you believe needs an appointeeship, you can make a referral to the Disability Support Project, who will work in conjunction with the DWP (Department for Work and Pensions). Referrals can come from a range of sources including, but not limited to:
Care Providers
Family Members
Housing Associations
Nursing Homes
Social Workers
Contact our team today for an appointment if you would like to enroll yourself, a family member or someone in your care.
You can also see our Suggested Donations List for this service.